I couldn't end 2013 without posting a great, big THANK YOU to our many friends and family who have come alongside us in 2013 to launch Soaring Wings Ministries. Ed and I have always said that we would never be able to accomplish this on our own and so we are tremendously grateful for each and everyone of you who have encouraged us, prayed for us, prayed with us, supported us financially and believed in the vision that God has given us for Soaring Wings Ministries.
Ed and I are not wealthy people and we don't have wealthy friends and relatives but just as God was able to feed 5,000 people with a meager offering of loaves and bread, so He is able to push Soaring Wings Ministries forward with your prayers, donations and your belief in the vision to help the homeless. On January 6th Soaring Wings Ministries will officially purchase a small house on 40 acres at 499 Trinity Lane in Wellington, Colorado!!! The purchase of this property is a testimony to what God can do when generous, praying and believing people come together to help the poor and needy homeless families in Colorado. We know most of you personally and know that you have given of your time and money sacrificially. Many of you are pressed for time with jobs and family responsibilities. Some of you are unemployed and looking for work. Some of you are investing your time and money into starting a new business. Some of you are single parents living on one income. Some of you have unforeseen medical expenses. Some of you are raising money for your own ministries. Some of you are retired living on a fixed income. Some of you have young children that zap your time, energy and money……and yet…….so many of you have found the time to put aside your own needs and desires to support Soaring Wings Ministries. Because of your sacrificial love, care and support, Soaring Wings Ministries will begin 2014 with a small home on 40 acres on the front range of the Rocky Mountains with zero debt. On behalf of all the homeless children, young adults and families that you will help we THANK YOU! Are hearts are full of humility, joy, love and gratitude for each and everyone of you. We serve an amazing God and we THANK Him for all of His blessings and guidance during this past year. Without Him and without you we would not be where we are. We pray that God will bless each and everyone of you during 2014! We pray that you will find fantastic jobs that you love. We pray that you and your families will be blessed with good health. We pray that you will find time during your busy schedules to relax and enjoy yourselves, your families and God's blessings. We pray that those of you who are single, will find loving mates (if you want one!). We pray for flourishing business in your new endeavors. We pray that you will have strength to accomplish your many responsibilities. We pray that you will have time to come visit us out in Colorado!!!! Most of all we pray that you will walk closely with God and that He will be your guide, comforter and strength during 2014. With much love and gratitude to all of you, Anita Rennells
I want to begin this posting by giving Praise, Glory and Thanks to God!!! He truly is a God that is worthy and deserving of all Praise!! Our house in New Hampshire is officially sold. The closing date was December 3rd. On December 3rd we also heard that our offer on the property here in Colorado had been accepted! Was that a coincidence or a glimpse of God and a reassurance that He is in this with us on this journey? We have been staying at a campground since our arrival here in Colorado and our payment to the campground expires on December 19th. We have some new friends here that are leaving for a months vacation and offered their house to us while they are away. Guess when they are leaving? You guessed it…..December 19th!! Was that a coincidence or a glimpse of God and a reassurance that He is in this with us on this journey?
I have no doubt that they are glimpses of God and reassurances that God is with us on this journey from New Hampshire to Colorado!!!! Whenever I think about God being with us, I can't help but think about Jesus being called "Emmanuel". Emmanuel means God with us. God is with us. God is not some distance, cold, uncaring being in heaven but rather He is a compassionate, involved, loving and gracious God who walks with us each day. I love that God reached down to us from heaven by sending His son Jesus. I love that this time of year we get to celebrate when God came down to earth as a little baby in a manger. Emmanuel…..God with us. I love this time of year with all of the Christmas lights, music, shopping, gifts, decorations, traditions, food and time spent with friends and family. This Christmas will be quite a bit different for Ed and I. We won't be spending Christmas in our own house this year. We won't be putting up a Christmas tree and we won't be decorating it with our ornaments that we have collected over the past 37 years. We won't be putting up Christmas lights outside or spending Christmas with our family. All those thing that were traditions for us in celebrating Christmas each year will not be with us. Emmanuel…..God with us. The best tradition of all will not change. Emmanuel….God with us. Emmanuel is better than a Christmas tree with treasured ornaments on it or shining lights outside of our house. Emmanuel is able to fill the ache in our heart when we miss our family. Emmanuel….God with us. Emmanuel will be with Ed and I on Christmas Day as we celebrate His birth. Emmanuel is the perfect gift from a loving, caring, compassionate, involved and gracious God. Glimpses of God here on earth. Emmanuel….God with us. These glimpses of God come to those of us who believe in God and believe that God is with us. Emmanuel….God with us. For those who don't believe, these glimpses and miracles are reduced to coincidences. These glimpses reassure me that God is alive and is a loving and caring God. It also reassures me that my faith will be rewarded when I get to spend eternity with Him in heaven. No longer will I have glimpses of God but I will be able to see Him face to face in all His glory! Emmanuel…God with us. Emmanuel truly is the best Christmas gift of all from a loving God in heaven. I pray that you will see glimpses of God in your lives and pray that you will recognize them and believe that they are signs that God is with you. Emmanuel….God with you. |
AuthorAnita Rennells is writer of this blog. She, along with her husband Ed, founded Soaring Wings Ministries to serve the homeless. The purpose of the blog is to tell the story of Soaring Wings Ministries and to give glory to God. Archives
October 2022
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Soaring Wings Ministries